Neo-gothic Chapel – St. Francesco di Paola (at the village) ~ Taranto Capitale di Mare

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Neo-gothic Chapel – St. Francesco di Paola (at the village)

Via Cavour, 51, 74123 Taranto TA



The small and suggestive Neo-gothic Chapel of St. Francesco di Paola (1881-1898) was built on the commission of Angelo Cecinato. This chapel is dedicated to St. Francesco di Paola and stands out for its particular neo-gothic “fin de siècle” style and the beautiful but also unusual proportions.

This place of worship was designed by the artists Domenico Fago and Aldo Bari and it was built, probably, after the grace received by Angelo Cecinato who miraculously survived a fall into a well.

The Bishops of Taranto and, most importantly, the faithful, showed so much interest in this chapel that it was approved as “public church” by Archbishop Pietro Alfonso Jorio on February 2nd, 1899.

The characteristic sacristy was realized through the renovation of a rural chapel dedicated to St. Girolamo and its is an important testament of big urban operations in the Umbertine era.

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338 959 1432


Opening hours

Only on reservation

Neo-gothic Chapel – St. Francesco di Paola (at the village) is part of the following itineraries

Find out other interesting places by clicking on one of the suggested itineraries


Via Cavour, 51, 74123 Taranto TA



Church of Carmine

Government Palace

Rotunda “Marinai d’Italia”

Post Office Building

Archita Palace – Office building

Promenade Vittorio Emanuele III

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Hotel Plaza

Via Tommaso d'Aquino 46, Taranto


Baja delle Sirene

Via G. Paisiello 56, Taranto


Hotel Virgilio Ristorante

V.le Virgilio 2/b, Taranto

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