Funerary hypogeum ~ Taranto Capitale di Mare

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Funerary hypogeum

Via Cava, 99, 74123 Taranto TA



The one that opens in the highest portion of Via Cava is undoubtedly one of the most interesting hypogea. It has two rooms and was probably rearranged in medieval times, reusing the quarried areas, in the Greek era. The first room is larger and has a barrel vault, whereas the second has two openings along the walls which had, probably a funerary function during the early Christian or Byzantine era.

The structures, which reminds us of arcosolium tombs (chronologically placed between the fourth and sixth centuries A.D.), are similar to those in the hypogeum of Palazzo Delli Ponti. This is a confirm of the use of some portions of the current town as a necropolis area in the early Christian and Byzantine times.

The underground environment has undergone multiple transformations over the following centuries, almost certainly in order for it to be adapted to the new, mostly productive, uses. Along the walls of the innermost environment, it’s easy to identify some tanks and compartments of various shapes, whose dating testifies the long period of use of the space.

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Opening hours

Currently under restoration

Funerary hypogeum is part of the following itineraries

Find out other interesting places by clicking on one of the suggested itineraries


Via Cava, 99, 74123 Taranto TA



Hypogeum – Medieval kiln

Hypogeum – Oil mill

Via Cava

Basilica Cathedral of St. Cataldo

Via Duomo

Convent of St. Domenico

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